Estimated CLBR*
- Weight goal between 46.1 kg and 48.4 kg
- Weight reduction between 1.6 kg and 3.9 kg
Estimated CLBR*
- Weight goal between 43.9 kg and 46.1 kg
- Weight reduction between 3.9 kg and 6.1 kg
Estimated CLBR*
- Weight goal between 41.6 kg and 43.9 kg
- Weight reduction between 6.1 kg and 8.4 kg
Estimated CLBR*
- Weight goal between 39.4 kg and 41.6 kg
- Weight reduction between 8.4 kg and 10.6 kg
*In case there is a male partner, the decrease in Cumulative Live Birth Rate per year, due to male ageing, is estimated to be -0.91% and should be accounted for.